english language
Cambridge IGCSE English (0500)
Comprises 2 mandatory papers. Students take Paper 1 and either Paper 2 or Component 3 (Coursework Portfolio). Component 4 (Speaking and Listening Test) is optional, and marks will not contribute to the overall grade.
Paper 1: Reading (50%)
Structured and extended writing questions based on 3 reading texts, worth a total of 80 marks
Externally assessed
Paper 2: Directed Writing & Composition (50%)
Extended writing question and a composition task, worth a total of 80 marks
Externally assessed
Component 3: Coursework Portfolio (50%)
3 extended writing assignments, worth a total of 80 marks
Internally assessed and externally moderated
Component 4: Speaking & Listening Test
Individual talk and conversation, worth 40 marks
Internally assessed, externally moderated, and separately endorsed
English Literature
Cambridge IGCSE Literature in English (0475)
Cambridge IGCSE Literature in English (0475) comprises 3 mandatory papers. Candidates take Paper 1 (Poetry & Prose) and EITHER Paper 2 (Drama) OR Paper 3 (Drama - Open Text) and Paper 4 (Unseen) OR Paper 3 (Drama - Open Text) and Component 5 (Coursework).
Paper 1: Poetry & Prose (50%)
2 questions on 2 texts - 1 poetry and 1 prose
Paper 2: Drama (50%)
2 questions on 2 texts
Paper 3: Drama (Open Text) (25%)
1 question on 1 text
Paper 4: Unseen (25%)
1 question requiring critical commentary on an unseen text
Paper 3: Drama (Open Text) (25%)
1 question on 1 text
Component 5: Coursework (25%)
Portfolio of 2 assignments, each on a different text
Cambridge IGCSE History (0470)
Comprises 3 mandatory papers. All candidates take Paper 1 and Paper 2 with an option of either Component 3 (coursework) or Paper 4 (depth study).
Paper 1: Structured Essays (40%)
Candidates must answer 2 questions from Section A and 1 question from Section B.
Section A: Core Content
Section B: Depth Studies
Paper 2: Source-Based Questions (33%)
Candidates must answer 6 questions on 1 prescribed topic taken from the Core Content.
Component 3: Coursework
Candidates produced 1 piece of extended writing based on a Depth Study from the syllabus
Paper 4: Depth Study Paper
Candidates answer 1 question on a Depth Study
business studies
Cambridge IGCSE Business Studies (0450)
Paper 1: Short Answer & Data Response (50%)
4 questions requiring a mixture of short answers and structured data responses
Paper 2: Case Study (50%)
4 questions based on a case study, provided as an insert with the paper